Psssst Rumeurs : Charlotte pour Balenciaga ?


Charlotte Gainsbourg et Nicolas Ghesquièreça a fait le tour de la blogosphère international en 24h ! D’après cet article :

Nicolas Ghesquière dipped a toe in the celebrity pool for the first time with his spring-summer advertising for Balenciaga, tapping Jennifer Connelly. And it seems the water is still fine. Rumor has it French actress Charlotte Gainsbourg, a friend of Ghesquière and a house regular, will be the star of the fall campaign. Balenciaga officials could not immediately be reached for comment.


Charlotte serait la prochaine égérie de Balenciaga, exit Gérard Darel (?) et campagne pour la marque emmenée par son ami Nicolas Ghesquière. Mais quand Charlotte dit : ‘I don’t care about fashion, I only care about Balenciaga.’ It DOES make sense, non?

Charlotte Gainsbourg et Nicolas Ghesquière

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